The North Star

Schedule Changes Bring Unison to Schools

    As the seasons change, the Lutheran High North is making changes as well. It is hard for public schools and private schools to schedule their events around each other. In the fall Lutheran High North will be making a change so that their spring break follows the public schools’ spring breaks. 
    This change came because the public schools now have a new policy. This policy is that every school in the Michigan Intermediate School District or MISD has to follow the same vacation schedule for spring break, which is the first full week in April. 
    Some factors that have contributed to this policy are bussing; having schools on different schedules, which puts tension in families and makes it difficult for families to schedule a vacation, and because of all the shared teachers among schools. 
    An argument for this change is that having spring break at the end of April was way too late. 
    However, this change is not permanent. “We are just testing this and seeing how it works out,” said Mr. Reincke. “If we keep this change we will always throw in days off for Easter travel, which will be Good Friday and Easter Monday,” said Mr. Reincke. We are the only Lutheran high school to make this change as the others already follow a public school schedule.
    So Lutheran North will just have to wait and see what happens, but in the mean time just work with the change.